
// Matt Kaliszewski
// COMP411 - Lab 06
// October 16, 2002
// KaliszewskiM Hash Table.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include "User.h"
#include "HashTable.h"
using namespace std;

       User *newuser;              // Container for new users
       HashTable Users;       // The User Hash Table
       int choice;                     // The users choice
       string un;                     // User Name
       string n;                     // Name
       string ph;                     // Phone nUmber
       string priv;              // Privilege
       bool worked;              // Flag to tell if action worked       

       cout << "/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ Computer Center \\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\" << endl << endl;
              // Clear the variables
              un = "";
              n = "";
              ph = "";
              priv = "";

              // Display the menu
              cout << "What would you like to do?" << endl << endl
                      << "1 - Add a new user" << endl
                      << "2 - Delete a user" << endl
                      << "3 - Print a list of all users" << endl
                      << "4 - Print the information for a specific user" << endl
                      << "5 - Exit" << endl << endl
                      << "Enter your choice: ";

              // Get the users choice
              cin >> choice;
              while(choice < 1 || choice > 5)
                     cout << "Invalid choice..." << endl << endl
                             << "Re-enter your choice: ";
                     cin >> choice;

                     // Add a new user
                     case 1:
                            cout << "------------ Add New User ------------" << endl << endl
                                    << "Please enter the following information:" << endl
                                    << "User Name: ";
                            cin >> un;
                            cout << "Name: ";
                            cin >> n;
                            cout << "Phone Number: ";
                            cin >> ph;
                            cout << "Privilege: ";
                            cin >> priv;

                            // Try to add the user
                            newuser = new User(un, n, ph, priv);
                            worked = Users.insertUser(newuser);

                            // Tell the user if the add was successful
                                   cout << endl << "*******************************"
                                           << "*** User succesfully added! ***" << endl
                                           << "*******************************" << endl << endl;
                                   cout << endl << "******************************"
                                           << "*** User already exists!!! ***" << endl
                                           << "******************************" << endl << endl;
                     // Delete a user
                     case 2:
                            cout << "------------ Delete User ------------" << endl << endl
                                    << "Please enter the User Name of the user to be deleted" << endl
                                    << "--> ";
                            cin >> un;

                            // Try to delete the user
                            worked = Users.deleteUser(un);

                            // Tell the user if the delete was successful
                                   cout << endl << "*********************************"
                                           << "*** User succesfully deleted! ***" << endl
                                           << "*********************************" << endl << endl;
                                   cout << endl << "*************************"
                                           << "*** User not found!!! ***" << endl
                                           << "*************************" << endl << endl;
                     // Print all the users
                     case 3:
                            cout << "------------ All Users ------------" << endl << endl;

                     // Display the information for a specific user
                     case 4:
                            cout << "------------ Detailed User Info ------------" << endl << endl
                                    << "Please enter the User Name of the user you wish to lookup" << endl
                                    << "--> ";
                            cin >> un;

                     // Exit the program
                     case 5:
                            cout << endl << "Exiting Program..." << endl << endl;
       }while(choice != 5);
