
// Matt Kaliszewski
// Dormitory Assignment Program
// 32; output.txt

############## DORMITORY MANAGER ##############

Please select an option:

1) Assign a student to a room
2) Remove a student from a room
3) Display the occupants of a room
4) Find a specific student
5) Quit

Your choice: 1

Assign a student to a room:

Which Dorm would you like to place a student into?
Enter a number (1-7): 1

Which room in Dorm 1 would you to place a student into?
Enter a number (1-75): 30

Please enter the information for the student:
First Name: Matt
Last Name: Kaliszewski

Matt Kaliszewski was assigned to Dorm: 1 Room: 30
Press any key to return to the menu...

############## DORMITORY MANAGER ##############

Please select an option:

1) Assign a student to a room
2) Remove a student from a room
3) Display the occupants of a room
4) Find a specific student
5) Quit

Your choice: 1

Assign a student to a room:

Which Dorm would you like to place a student into?
Enter a number (1-7):

Which room in Dorm 7 would you to place a student into?
Enter a number (1-75): 50

Please enter the information for the student:
First Name: Karl
Last Name: Lagasse

Karl Lagasse was assigned to Dorm: 7 Room: 50
Press any key to return to the menu...

############## DORMITORY MANAGER ##############

Please select an option:

1) Assign a student to a room
2) Remove a student from a room
3) Display the occupants of a room
4) Find a specific student
5) Quit

Your choice: 1

Assign a student to a room:

Which Dorm would you like to place a student into?
Enter a number (1-7): 3

Which room in Dorm 3 would you to place a student into?
Enter a number (1-75): 33

Please enter the information for the student:
First Name: Mike
Last Name: Keddy

Mike Keddy was assigned to Dorm: 3 Room: 33
Press any key to return to the menu...

############## DORMITORY MANAGER ##############

Please select an option:

1) Assign a student to a room
2) Remove a student from a room
3) Display the occupants of a room
4) Find a specific student
5) Quit

Your choice: 1

Assign a student to a room:

Which Dorm would you like to place a student into?
Enter a number (1-7): 3

Which room in Dorm 3 would you to place a student into?
Enter a number (1-75): 33

Please enter the information for the student:
First Name: Mike
Last Name: Rosalie

Mike Rosalie was assigned to Dorm: 3 Room: 33
Press any key to return to the menu...

############## DORMITORY MANAGER ##############

Please select an option:

1) Assign a student to a room
2) Remove a student from a room
3) Display the occupants of a room
4) Find a specific student
5) Quit

Your choice: 4

Search for a student:

1) By First Name
2) By Last Name
Choice - 1

Please enter the first name to search for: Mike

Search matches:

Dorm: 3 Room: 33 Occupant: 1
Mike Keddy

Dorm: 3 Room: 33 Occupant: 2
Mike Rosalie

Press any key to return to the menu...

############## DORMITORY MANAGER ##############

Please select an option:

1) Assign a student to a room
2) Remove a student from a room
3) Display the occupants of a room
4) Find a specific student
5) Quit

Your choice: 2

Assign a student to a room:

Which Dorm would you like to place a student into?
Enter a number (1-7): 3

Which room in Dorm 3 would you to place a student into?
Enter a number (1-75): 33

Contents of Dorm: 3 Room: 33
Occupant 1: Mike Keddy
Occupant 2: Mike Rosalie
Occupant 3: Empty

Which student would you like to remove? 1

The student was succesfully removed!!!
Press any key to return to the menu...

############## DORMITORY MANAGER ##############

Please select an option:

1) Assign a student to a room
2) Remove a student from a room
3) Display the occupants of a room
4) Find a specific student
5) Quit

Your choice: 4

Search for a student:

1) By First Name
2) By Last Name
Choice - 1

Please enter the first name to search for: Mike

Search matches:

Dorm: 3 Room: 33 Occupant: 2
Mike Rosalie

Press any key to return to the menu...

############## DORMITORY MANAGER ##############

Please select an option:

1) Assign a student to a room
2) Remove a student from a room
3) Display the occupants of a room
4) Find a specific student
5) Quit

Your choice: 5

Press any key to continue
