
// Matt Kaliszewski
// Dormitory Assignment Program
// Kaliszewski M Dormitoty Program.cpp

// Libraries
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#include <conio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "dorm.h"

// Function Prototypes
void display_room(dormitory d[7], int c_d, int c_r);
void set_dorm_n_room(int *c_d, int *c_r);
void search_dorms(dormitory d[7], char name[40], char type);

       dormitory dorms[7];
       int choice, curr_dorm, curr_room, s, remove, search;
       char first[40], last[40];
              // Display the menu
              cout << "############## DORMITORY MANAGER ##############" << endl << endl
                      << "Please select an option:" << endl << endl
                      << "1) Assign a student to a room" << endl
                      << "2) Remove a student from a room" << endl
                      << "3) Display the occupants of a room" << endl
                      << "4) Find a specific student" << endl
                      << "5) Quit" << endl << endl
                      << "Your choice: ";
              cin >> choice;
              cout << endl;

                     case 1: // Assign a student to a room

                            // Set the dorm and room
                            set_dorm_n_room(&curr_dorm, &curr_room);

                            // Make sure there is an open bed
                            while(dorms[curr_dorm-1].rooms[curr_room-1].open[s]==0 && s<4)
                            if(s<3)       // If there is, assign the student
                                   cout << endl
                                           << "Please enter the information for the student:" << endl
                                           << "First Name: ";
                                   cin >> dorms[curr_dorm-1].rooms[curr_room-1].students[s].first_name;
                                   cout << "Last Name: ";
                                   cin >> dorms[curr_dorm-1].rooms[curr_room-1].students[s].last_name;
                                   cout << endl
                                           << "======================================================" << endl
                                           << dorms[curr_dorm-1].rooms[curr_room-1].students[s].first_name
                                           << " " << dorms[curr_dorm-1].rooms[curr_room-1].students[s].last_name
                                           << " was assigned to Dorm: " << curr_dorm << " Room: "
                                           << curr_room << endl
                                           << "======================================================" << endl;

                                   // Mark this bed as taken
                            else       // If all beds are taken
                                   cout << endl
                                           << "***********************" << endl
                                           << "Room is already full!!!" << endl
                                           << "***********************" << endl;

                            // Return to the main menu
                            cout << "Press any key to return to the menu..." << endl << endl;

                     case 2: // Remove a student from a room

                            // Set the dorm and room
                            set_dorm_n_room(&curr_dorm, &curr_room);
                            // Display the contents of the room
                            display_room(dorms, curr_dorm, curr_room);

                            // Get the student to remove
                                   cout << "Which student would you like to remove? ";
                                   cin >> remove;
                            } while(remove<1 && remove>3);

                            // Remove the student
                            strcpy(dorms[curr_dorm-1].rooms[curr_room-1].students[remove-1].first_name, "");
                            strcpy(dorms[curr_dorm-1].rooms[curr_room-1].students[remove-1].last_name, "");

                            // Mark the bed as available

                            cout << endl
                                    << "======================================" << endl
                                    << "The student was succesfully removed!!!" << endl
                                    << "======================================" << endl;

                            // Return to the main menu
                            cout << "Press any key to return to the menu..." << endl << endl;

                     case 3: // Display the occupants of a room

                            // Set the dorm and room
                            set_dorm_n_room(&curr_dorm, &curr_room);
                            // Display the contents of the room
                            display_room(dorms, curr_dorm, curr_room);
                            // Return to the main menu
                            cout << "Press any key to return to the menu..." << endl << endl;

                     case 4: // Find a specific student

                            // Ask the user to search by first name or last name
                            cout << "===============================================" << endl
                                    << "Search for a student:" << endl << endl
                                    << "1) By First Name" << endl
                                    << "2) By Last Name" << endl
                                    << "Choice - ";
                            cin >> search;

                            // Validate the entry, invalid entries to 1
                            search = (search>=1 && search<=2) ? search : 1;

                            if(search==1) // Search by first name
                                   // Get the first name
                                   cout << endl << "Please enter the first name to search for: ";
                                   cin >> first;

                                   // Search through the dorms and print out any matches
                                   search_dorms(dorms, first, 'f');
                            else // Search by last name
                                   // Get the last name
                                   cout << endl << "Please enter the last name to search for: ";
                                   cin >> last;

                                   // Search through the dorms and print out any matches
                                   search_dorms(dorms, last, 'l');
                            // Return to the main menu
                            cout << "Press any key to return to the menu..." << endl << endl;

                     case 5:       // Quit

                     default: // Handle an invalid entry
                            cout << "******************" << endl
                                    << "Invalid option...." << endl
                                    << "******************" << endl << endl
                                    << "Press any key to return to the menu..." << endl << endl;

        } while(choice!=5);

       return 0;
